Relembrando o passado do verbo to be! #dicasdeinglês

The Simple Past of the Verb "to be"

The simple past tense of the verb to be:

This page will present the simple past tense of the verb to be:
  • its form
  • and its use.

The affirmative form:

I, he, she, itwas.
you, we, theywere.


  • was in London in 1999.
  • Pam was in London in 1999, too.
  • We were together.
  • She was my girlfriend.

The interrogative form:

WasI, he, she, it?
Wereyou, we, they?


  • Were you in London last year?
  • Was Pam with you?
  • Were you together?

The negative form:

I, you, he, shewas not.
You, we, theywere not.


  • wasn't in Paris in 1999.
  • Pam wasn't in Paris in 1999.
  • We weren't in Paris.


1. wasn't is the short form of was not. You can say either:
  • was not in Paris, or
  • wasn't in Paris.
2. weren't is the short form of were not. You can say either:
  • we were not in Paris, or
  • we weren't in Paris.

Exercises on the simple past of the verb to be

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Blog de Inglês dos Profs. Newton Rocha e Érika de Pádua. Aulas de Inglês via Skype ou Presenciais em Belo Horizonte. 40 Reais Hora-Aula. Contato: Tel: (31) 9143-7388


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