Aprenda Inglês com Música! Judas Priest, ‘Livin’ After Midnight’

"Living After Midnight"


Living after midnight, rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' 'til the morning, then I'm gone, I'm gone

I took the city 'bout one A.M, loaded, loaded
I'm all geared up to score again, loaded, loaded
I come alive in the neon light
That's when I make my moves right

Living after midnight, rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' 'til the morning, then I'm gone, I'm gone

Got gleaming chrome, reflecting steel, loaded, loaded
Ready to take on every deal, loaded, loaded
My pulse is racing, I'm hot to take
This motor's revved up, fit to break

Living after midnight, rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' 'til the morning, then I'm gone, I'm gone

I'm aiming for ya
I'm gonna floor ya
My body's coming
All night long

The air's electric, sparkin' power, loaded, loaded
I'm getting hotter by the hour, loaded, loaded
I set my sights and then home in
The joint starts flying when I begin

Living after midnight, rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' 'til the morning, then I'm gone, I'm gone

[repeat and fade]

Prof. Newton e Profa. Érika – Aulas Particulares de Inglês por Skype
Horários: Dias da Semana de 7 às 23 horas e nos Sábados e Domingos de 7 às 18 horas!
Newton Rocha | Professor de Inglês – Aulas por Skype
WhatsApp: 9143-7388 | Skype: prof.newtonrocha@gmail.com
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Érika de Pádua | Professora de Inglês – Aulas por Skype
WhatsApp: (31) 9223-5540 | Skype: erikadepadua@gmail.com
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