“Children in Texas” – TEXTO em Inglês SIMPLIFICADO para treinar a LEITURA! | Prof. Newton – Inglês por Skype

Hoje trazemos o texto CHILDREN IN TEXAS, escrito em inglês simplificado para treinar a leitura!
Here is some news from Texas. Five children are born. They are born at 29 weeks. They are from two pounds and seven ounces to three pounds and six ounces (from 1.1 to 1.5 kilograms) heavy.
Around 24 workers help with the babies. The babies are very small and pretty. The mother is very happy. The parents’ friends want to help with the babies.
The mother miscarried a few times. She used some medication. This medication helped her have the babies. The couple also have a two-year-old son.

be born (get out of the mother’s body) – nascer
miscarry (when the baby dies inside the body) – abortar
couple (two people who love each other) – casal

Um abraço do Prof. Newton e vamos estudar inglês!

Érika & Newton – Inglês por Skype
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Newton Rocha | Professor de Inglês – Aulas por Skype
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Érika de Pádua | Professora de Inglês – Aulas por Skype
WhatsApp: (31) 9223-5540 | Skype: erikadepadua@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://goo.gl/2c6QIb


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