How to Get Motivated to Study | Texto em INGLÊS SIMPLIFICADO p/treinar a LEITURA! | Prof.Newton Rocha - Inglês por Skype #dicasdeinglês

Hello everyone! Aqui está um texto muito interessante de como CONSEGUIR MOTIVAÇÃO PARA ESTUDAR. Leia em voz alta várias vezes!
Um abraço do Prof. Newton Rocha! 
Para aulas particulares de inglês por Skype, basta entrar em contato comigo no ou no Whatsapp (31) 99143-7488

How to Get Motivated to Study

The ability to get motivated to study can have a very positive effect on a student’s study levels and grades. A motivated student will find it easier to go the extra mile and do all the necessary tasks that need to be done to assure success. The right motivation will allow students to study a lot more focused and with more concentration. Motivating yourself to study is especially helpful when you feel a lack of motivation or face procrastination during your studies.
to go the extra mile - fazer mais do que o necessário
to assure - garantir
procrastination - procrastinação, adiar o que tem que ser feito
lack - falta

How to become motivated to study?

I. The motivational power of having a goal!

Objectives and aims are one of the best sources of motivation.

II. Gratification: Reward yourself!

Reward yourself, whenever a goal is achieved.

III. Just do it and start studying

Start studying, no matter what.

IV. One step at a time.

Divide what you have to study in small bits and study one part each time.

V. Beat procrastination and distraction!

Cut out any kind of distraction (TV, radio, mobile phone, internet, telephone, etc.) that could interrupt you while studying.
aims - objetivos
sources - fontes
reward - recompensa (to reward - recompensar)
no matter what  - não importa o que aconteça
small bits pequenos pedaços
beat - derrote, vença
cut out - corte

That's it for today, folks! 
Keep studying English and see you next class!
Um abraço do Prof. Newton Rocha!

Érika & Newton – Inglês por Skype
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