Treine com essas 40 PERGUNTAS do TIPO 2 para o SPEAKING TEST do TOEFL! | Prof. Newton Rocha – Inglês por Skype #dicasdeinglês #toefl
Hello everyone! Aqui é o Prof. Newton Rocha e hoje eu trago 40 tópicos para as PERGUNTAS DO TIPO 2 da prova de SPEAKING do TOEFL!
Na prova você tem 1 minuto para se preparar e 2 minutos para responder.
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Um grande abraço e let’s study English!
1. Some people prefer work that allows them move around outdoors. Others feel it is more pleasant to work in an office. Which do you prefer, and why?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Snakes should never be kept as pets.
3. Some people feel they perform better when they have to finish by a strict time. Others feel they do better work if they do not have time pressure. Which best describes you? Explain why.
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Parents should buy for their children any books that the children choose to read.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Students should spend more time learning outside of classrooms than within classrooms.
6. In some areas, summer days are longer, so there is more daylight in the evening and early morning, but winter days are shorter. In other areas, summer and winter days are similar lengths throughout the year. Which do you prefer, and why?
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Movies that are longer than three hours should be made shorter by removing less important scenes.
8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Parents who do not regularly exercise should start in order to be good role models for their children.
9. Some people prefer to respond to emails, phone calls, and other messages they receive immediately. Others take more time to respond. Which do you do, and why?
10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
It’s better to reward employees with gifts and job perks, such as gym memberships or English classes, than it is to simply pay more.
11. Should a person shower the night before or in the morning?
12. When a man takes a woman to dinner, should he pay or should they go “dutch”? (Each pays for him/herself.)
13. Do you prefer reading e-books or real books?
14. Describe something you do during your favorite season?
15. Which is better to lose weight: dieting or exercising?
16. Which is better for a history class: online or classroom learning?
17. Which is the best month for a holiday?
18. What is good advice for a person who is having trouble falling asleep?
19. Now that you are in America, should you keep your foreign name or adopt an American name?
20. When you are in a Chinese restaurant, do you use chopsticks or a fork? Why?
21. Which is better for you, texting someone or calling him/her?
22. Some people think there should be a tax on soda to encourage people to stop drinking it. Agree or disagree?
23. Do you agree: You should always give a waitress a tip even if her service is bad?
24. In an airport do you prefer to go through the body scanner or to be “frisked”? (The security guard runs his/her hands over your body.)
25. What’s the worst place to take a tourist in your current city?
26. What’s the most stupid holiday you can think of?
27. What was the most important time in your life?
28. If you were in Spain and someone gave you tickets to a bullfight, would you go?
29. Do you think it is important to use capital letters in e-mail messages or is it OK to just use small letters?
30. Should cell phones be prohibited in schools?
31. Should bullying be a crime?
32. Should you give money to people begging in the street or on the subway?
33) Should we have shorter work weeks and longer hours (i.e. 4 days at 10 hours each day)?
34. Would you prefer to go to an art museum or a movie?
35. If you were convicted of a murder, would you prefer the death sentence or life in prison?
36. Is it better to save your money or to spend it as soon as you get it?
37. Do you prefer the white meat of a chicken or the dark meat?
38. Should people be of the same religion when they get married?
39. Is it better to wake up early in the morning or later in the day?
40. Do you believe pet animals should be cloned?
Érika & Newton – Inglês por Skype
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