Além de samba, sexo e futebol: Os motins da Copa do Mundo no Brasil

Beyond samba, sex and soccer: The World Cup riots in Brazil

Only 22 years old, the footballer known simply as "Neymar" is far more than the "face of Brazilian soccer". Since donning the iconic, canary yellow and blue kit for the first time, Neymar has sidestepped defenders as if dancing the samba, and raced up and down the pitch with the cavalier and carnival spirit definitive of Brazilian football.

As Neymar sprints into his prime, Brazil is primed to host its first World Cup in 64 years. This year's tournament, furnishes the Brazilian government with a rare opportunity to showcase its greatest export on its home soil. Brazil and football are synonymous: A conflation the state has engineered to carry forward its policies inside and outside of the country. Its iconic lineage of soccer stars, starting with Pele and ending with Neymar, provide the state with single-named ambassadors known and loved all over the world.

  1. known
    apprehended with certainty
    Only 22 years old, the footballer known simply as "Neymar" is far more than the "face of Brazilian soccer".
  2. iconic
    relating to or having the characteristics on an icon
    Since donning the iconic, canary yellow and blue kit for the first time, Neymar has sidestepped defenders as if dancing the samba, and raced up and down the pitch with the cavalier and carnival spirit definitive of Brazilian football.
  3. pitch
    the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration
    Since donning the iconic, canary yellow and blue kit for the first time, Neymar has sidestepped defenders as if dancing the samba, and raced up and down the pitch with the cavalier and carnival spirit definitive of Brazilian football.
  4. cavalier
    given to haughty disregard of others
    Since donning the iconic, canary yellow and blue kit for the first time, Neymar has sidestepped defenders as if dancing the samba, and raced up and down the pitch with the cavalier and carnival spirit definitive of Brazilian football.
  5. carnival
    a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.
    Since donning the iconic, canary yellow and blue kit for the first time, Neymar has sidestepped defenders as if dancing the samba, and raced up and down the pitch with the cavalier and carnivalspirit definitive of Brazilian football.
  6. definitive
    clearly defined or formulated
    Since donning the iconic, canary yellow and blue kit for the first time, Neymar has sidestepped defenders as if dancing the samba, and raced up and down the pitch with the cavalier and carnival spirit definitive of Brazilian football.
  7. prime
    used of the first or originating agent
    As Neymar sprints into his prime, Brazil is primed to host its first World Cup in 64 years.
  8. host
    a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
    As Neymar sprints into his prime, Brazil is primed to host its first World Cup in 64 years.
  9. tournament
    a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner
    This year's tournament, furnishes the Brazilian government with a rare opportunity to showcase its greatest export on its home soil.
  10. furnish
    provide or equip with furniture
    This year's tournament, furnishes the Brazilian government with a rare opportunity to showcase its greatest export on its home soil.
  11. opportunity
    a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances
    This year's tournament, furnishes the Brazilian government with a rare opportunity to showcase its greatest export on its home soil.
  12. export
    sell or transfer abroad
    This year's tournament, furnishes the Brazilian government with a rare opportunity to showcase its greatest export on its home soil.
  13. soil
    material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)
    This year's tournament, furnishes the Brazilian government with a rare opportunity to showcase its greatest export on its home soil.
  14. synonymous
    (of words) meaning the same or nearly the same
    Brazil and football are synonymous: A conflation the state has engineered to carry forward its policies inside and outside of the country.
  15. state
    the way something is with respect to its main attributes
    Brazil and football are synonymous: A conflation the state has engineered to carry forward its policies inside and outside of the country.
  16. engineer
    a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
    Brazil and football are synonymous: A conflation the state has engineered to carry forward its policies inside and outside of the country.
  17. policy
    a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
    Brazil and football are synonymous: A conflation the state has engineered to carry forward its policiesinside and outside of the country.
  18. lineage
    the kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors
    Its iconic lineage of soccer stars, starting with Pele and ending with Neymar, provide the state with single-named ambassadors known and loved all over the world.
  19. provide
    give something useful or necessary to
    Its iconic lineage of soccer stars, starting with Pele and ending with Neymar, provide the state with single-named ambassadors known and loved all over the world.
  20. ambassador
    a diplomat of the highest rank; accredited as representative from one country to another
    Its iconic lineage of soccer stars, starting with Pele and ending with Neymar, provide the state with single-named ambassadors known and loved all over the world.

Apenas 22 anos de idade, o jogador de futebol conhecido simplesmente como "Neymar" é muito mais do que a "cara do futebol brasileiro". Desde vestindo o kit amarelo e azul icônico, canário, pela primeira vez, Neymar evitou defensores como se dança o samba, e correu para cima e para baixo do campo com o cavaleiro e espírito de carnaval definitiva do futebol brasileiro.

Como Neymar sprints em seu auge, o Brasil está preparado para sediar a sua primeira Copa do Mundo em 64 anos. O torneio deste ano, fornece o governo brasileiro com uma rara oportunidade para mostrar a sua maior exportação de sua terra natal. Brasil e futebol são sinônimos: A fusão do Estado projetou para levar adiante suas políticas dentro e fora do país. Sua linhagem icônica de estrelas do futebol, começando com Pelé e terminando com Neymar, fornecer o estado com embaixadores de um único nome conhecido e amado em todo o mundo.
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